I have an active program of graduate supervision and I am looking to accept new MA and PhD students in the School of Religion or the Cultural Studies program. With funding from SSHRC and Queen’s, I have conducted three separate programs of fieldwork research with graduate students in China and Brazil. In 2010 I was nominated for Queen’s University’s first graduate supervision award.
Current Graduate Students
Graduate Courses
- RELS886 Religion, Nature and Technology
Previous Graduate Supervisions
Ian Cuthbertson, PhD 2016, Everyday Enchantment and Secular Magic in Contemporary Montreal.
Galen Watts, MA 2016. The Personal Politics of Spirituality: On the Lived Relationship Between Contemporary Spirituality and Social Justice Among Canadian Millennials.
Junyu Ke, MA 2016, Toward an Ecological Pedagogy: Body Movement for Ecological Consciousness.
Ryan Amez, MA 2015. Taoist Tai-Chi: An Intersection of Western Spiritual Culture and Chinese Religion.
Daniel Asante Boamah. MA 2015. Akan Indigenous Religio-Cultural Beliefs and Environmental Preservation: The Role of Taboos.
Elizabeth Guthrie, MA 2015. Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: The Blurred Lines of the Secular and Sacred at the Cham Shan Temples in Canada.
Nathan Townend, MA 2014. Fox Burials and Elephant Bones:The Possibility of Religion in a More than Human World, and Why it Matters to the Academic Study of Religion.
Meagan Weatherdon, MA 2012. The Tao People’s Anti-Nuclear Movement: Indigenous Religion, Presbyterian Christianity, and Environmental Protest on Orchid Island, Taiwan
An Jing, Visiting PhD student from Minzu University of China. The Religion and Ecology of the Blang.
Edwin Eshun, MA 2011. Religion and Ecology of the Akan.
Daniel Murray, MA 2010. Daoism in Brazil: The Globalization of the Orthodox Unity (Zhengyi) Traidition.
Jennifer Lemche, MA 2010. The Greening of Chinese Daoism: Modernity, Bureacracy and Ecology in Contemporary Chinese Religion.
Blair Trelinski, MA 2010. Deep Ecology and Jainism: A Critical Assessment of Theory and Practice.
Ian Cuthbertson, MA 2009. Magic, Modernity and New Religious Forms.
Jesse Reid, MA 2009. The Phantasmagoric Buddha: Buddhist Representation in Odilon Redon’s oeuvre.
Angus McBlane, MA 2008. Of Cyborgs and Other Monsters: The Posthuman, Critical Posthumanism and the Study of Religions.
Kevin Sandgren, MA 2008. Epistemological Sacrifice: Georges Bataille, Genealogy and Prospects for the Poststructural Study of Religion.
Joseph D Green, MA 2007. Explicit and Implicit Religious Responses to the Perception of Environmental Crisis: A Comparative Study of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Wynne Jordan, MA 2007. Enchanted Modernity: Refutations of Weber’s Disenchantment Thesis with Particular Focus on the Re-emergence of Astrology in Contemporary Culture
Dijana Gacesa, MA 2006. Between Philanthropism and Phyletism: The Construction of the “Other” In Serbian Orthodox Christianity
Shelly Nixon, MA 2006. Sacred Objects in a Secular Space: The Gallery of Islam at the Royal Ontario Museum
Robert Martel, MA 2005. Søren Kierkegaard’s self-affirming moral philosophy and its relationship to Charles Taylor’s notions of relativism and authenticity
Blaine Pauling, MA 2005. A dangerous form of belief: An analysis of Alfred Rosenberg’s Mythus of the Twentieth Century as an example of a modern form of religion